UTILTEXT: Text, ASCII, HTML, DBF editors and viewers, print utils, font managers

  File name File description File size Modified
1. t2htm130.zip Text2HTML v1.30 Converter for Win32 246978 2000-11-20 10:09:57
2. t2web200.zip Text-to-Web v2.0.0 - Win32 tool to convert text files to HTML 716093 2001-03-08 11:37:46
3. t602-asc.zip Utils for T602 2 ASCII format conversion 40272 1995-02-14 08:13:29
4. t602rtf.zip T602 Text Format to RTF Converter 42769 2001-10-29 10:18:24
5. t602v196.zip T602vw v1.9.6 - Win32 file viewer for docs created by Czech text editor T602 61173 2001-10-29 10:17:25
6. t602view.zip T602 Text Format Viewer for Norton/Volkov Commander 29553 1995-01-20 12:35:24
7. tabin51.zip TABIN v5.1 - Spaces to Tabs Converter 21784 2000-03-09 15:11:54
8. tabout24.zip TABOUT v2.4 - Tabs to Spaces Converter 20864 2000-03-09 15:11:55
9. tabspace.zip Tabs To Spaces v1.11 - Tab chars in a texts file to space conv. 167479 1999-11-04 08:48:21
10. taggen.zip HTML Tag Generator for Win 91367 1997-02-18 09:04:03
11. tagger40.zip Tagger v4.0 macro for MS Word 6/7 - Macro for numbering and cross-referencing 217474 1997-06-11 11:33:24
12. tagstr10.zip TagStrip v1.0 - Program to cleanup large text files containing Taglines 13968 1998-10-23 10:10:36
13. tail_10.zip Tail for Windows v1.0 - Last specified number of lines of a text document lister 57916 2000-05-24 10:39:45
14. tbl2html.zip Table2HTML v1.2 - Table to HTML converter 148437 2001-08-23 11:10:25
15. tdb.zip TDB - Small and fast database program for Win95 89159 1999-11-09 11:57:06
16. tde51vb.zip TDE v5.1v - Text and HEX editor - freeware (binaries) 581869 2007-05-14 09:39:22
17. tde51vs.zip TDE v5.1v - Text and HEX editor - freeware (source code) 600074 2007-05-14 09:39:22
18. te.zip Turbo Editor v2.0 - Editor for programmers 49425 1999-02-23 12:07:36
19. te17.zip TE v1.7 - Tiny Screen Editor for DOS 44186 2000-03-10 12:52:54
20. te97v140.zip Turbo-Edit97 Text Editor v1.40 for Win95 475536 1999-03-23 11:00:42
21. ted105.zip TED v1.05 - Windows editor for programmers and web developers 97367 1999-03-25 14:59:11
22. ted3.zip Tiny Editor for small text files 17297 1996-10-10 11:02:23
23. tedy.zip Tedy v1.0 - Simple Text Editor for DOS 42422 2003-01-02 10:42:02
24. tekdoc.zip TekDoc v1.0 - Util to extract text from files to generate HTML documentation 64135 1999-03-16 06:53:46
25. teknow42.zip TEKNOW v4.2 - Word Processor 181059 1997-02-27 08:40:32
26. tencl111.zip Ten Clipboards v1.11 for Win95/NT 136831 1999-02-26 14:07:00
27. texrep11.zip TexRep v1.1 - Text replacing util 390696 1999-05-27 10:36:42
28. text2clp.zip Text2Clp v1.0a - Copy the Windows clipboard contents to a file 37488 1999-02-01 13:28:59
29. textally.zip TextTally v1.2 - Windows Text Counting Utility 580921 2000-08-17 09:31:15
30. textart.zip TextArt Crater v1.0 for Win32 - ASCII art generator 18811 1999-11-09 11:29:28
31. textc173.zip TextCon v1.73 - Reformats ASCII files for import to a WP 39013 1998-01-27 09:40:40
32. textconn.zip Text File Converter v3.0 - Util that converts most WP or DTP files into a standard ASCII file 41547 1999-08-31 10:37:28
33. textconv.zip DOS based WP, DTP and ASCII file reformatter 40198 2000-04-27 09:11:55
34. textfind.zip Infothek Text Finder v2.10 - Text searching util for Win9x/NT 547228 1999-12-22 11:18:24
35. textmagn.zip Text Magician v1.0 for Win9x-XP - Tool for manipulation with the text files 289452 2004-10-12 13:01:45
36. textmonk.exe TextMonkey v1.0.x - Text processing tool 1103277 2004-05-21 10:12:16
37. texto.exe Textomatic v1.03 - Tool for automatic insertion of text strings 423860 2005-01-26 09:39:02
38. textohtm.zip TXT 2 HTM ver.2 - TXT/HTML converter 14017 1999-09-13 10:17:16
39. textpad9.exe TextPad v9.7.1 - Replacement for Notepad text editor 15651344 2025-03-09 16:11:53
40. textpipe.exe TextPipe Pro v12.0 - Automate search and replace & text file or clipboard processing 29051584 2024-02-06 19:26:07
41. textrein.arj Textrein - Removes control chars and converts tabs and line breaks in texts files 22848 1998-03-16 08:58:26
42. textview.zip Textview v6.0 - Explorer-like Text File Viewer 64305 2004-12-22 11:34:27
43. text_m30.zip Text Files Modifier v3.0 - Automatic Text Modifying Utility 30382 2001-12-21 12:10:00
44. te_v35.zip TextEdit W95 - Multi-Document Editor for Java/Perl/HTML/Text 1161898 1999-03-22 13:22:16
45. tfd178.zip TOFRODOS v1.7.8 - DOS/Unix text reformatter 106011 2008-06-04 13:28:59
46. tfont.zip TT Fonts to Arachne WWW Browser Fonts Converter 25694 1997-09-16 09:22:32
47. thegun25.zip TheGun v2.5 - Drag & Drop Enabled Notepad Application 16333 2000-10-03 09:19:17
48. thinnr30.zip Thinner v3.0 - Converts HTML & E-mails to plain text 300054 1999-10-04 12:41:25
49. thread.zip TH Reader v1.00 - Util that displays VENDINFO.DIZ files 12205 2000-05-23 10:16:42
50. ththes13.zip The Thinking Man's Thesaurus v1.3 - Thesaurus and Word Prompter 809747 1998-02-10 09:26:07
51. thumbtrk.zip Thumb Track v1.1 - Scroll box holder 83879 1998-09-25 09:58:07
52. ti12.zip Text Information v1.2 - Display info about text files 30981 2000-10-25 14:30:43
53. tidy.zip HTML Tidy - HTML Clean Up Util for Win95/98/NT/2000 73770 2000-10-05 12:31:25
54. tinyed.zip Tiny Editor v2.20a for DOS/OS2 77481 2007-05-01 17:35:40
55. tipka134.zip TIPKA v1.34 - Croatian printer and VGA screen fonts 40169 1999-11-24 09:14:48
56. tisp13.zip tinySpell v1.3 - English spell checker 560997 2005-11-18 14:11:00
57. tite.exe The Infinitive Text Editor for Win95/98/NT 231513 1999-12-01 10:08:17
58. tlf.zip TLF v1.0 - Win32 DOS/UNIX style text converter 17473 1998-09-25 09:57:09
59. tm140.zip Text Mode v1.40 - VESA Text modes switcher 3075 1999-02-04 14:23:22
60. tochin10.zip English text to oriental style converter v1.0 17068 1997-12-10 12:05:54
61. tocock10.zip English text to cockney dialect converter v1.0 17000 1997-12-10 12:05:55
62. toddy615.zip TODDY v6.15 - DOS command line editor 36210 2000-10-23 13:34:20
63. tody615s.zip TODDY v6.15 - DOS command line editor - ASM source code 90593 2007-02-11 08:27:19
64. tofix15.zip TOFIXED v1.5 - Converts variable length CrLf files to fixed length records 9949 2000-03-10 10:23:02
65. tr-v112.zip TRep v1.12 - Text search/replace utility 22537 1998-05-26 08:52:36
66. tran10.zip The Translator v1.0 - Text files translator 31614 1997-12-10 09:37:38
67. trans.zip Trans-ASCII - Program for conversion of various CZ/SK character fonts 138377 1996-05-10 09:24:04
68. trlit233.arj TrLit v2.33 - Russian keyboard driver with possibility to write Russian words by English alphabet 3856 1999-04-08 09:38:35
69. trnt20.zip TrayNotes v2.0 - Virtual sticky notes tool for Win32 310022 2002-09-04 11:55:59
70. ts500.zip TXTSRCH v5.00 - Text string finder 21205 1995-08-07 11:46:53
71. tse2jr4.zip TSE/2 JR v4 - OS/2 Text Editor 201419 1999-05-21 11:37:27
72. tsejr4.zip TSE JR v4 (formerly QEdit) - DOS Text Editor 202130 1999-05-17 09:23:51
73. tsepro44.zip The SemWare Editor Pro v4.4 for Win95-XP 1381193 2005-10-28 12:46:28
74. tsfltc22.zip Text file filters by Timo Salmi 109308 2000-08-31 12:56:26
75. tsp221.zip TSP v2.21 - Text search util 28925 2000-05-12 11:03:48
76. tsrfaces.zip Smiley (Face) TSR Database 8744 1998-07-09 11:03:00
77. ttinfo.zip TrueType Info v1.00 beta - TT Fonts Structure Checker 194743 1999-03-16 06:51:36
78. ttls32.zip TEXTools for Win32 - Set of text filters 140657 2000-07-07 08:52:22
79. ttms124.zip TextToMS for Win9x/NT/2000 - Tool to edit data stored in MetaStock and CompuTrack data format 1423587 2002-03-12 12:56:26
80. ttrans17.zip TTRANS v1.7 - Clipboard Utility for Win95/98/NT 11021 2000-08-28 10:18:20
81. tt_r6.zip TextTools rel.6 for DOS - Collection of text processing utils 1007802 1999-01-18 08:12:44
82. turbo98.zip Turbo Editor v3.0 - Multi-lingual text editor 93953 1999-11-24 09:59:48
83. tv_2666c.zip TVIEW v2.666c - Polish Text File Viewer 20694 1998-05-20 09:30:05
84. twofonts.zip TWOFONTS v1.0 beta - Utility to use two text mode fonts in DOS 13157 1998-07-09 11:03:01
85. twtsl110.zip The Slang Converter v1.10 by TWT 34650 2001-07-17 12:36:59
86. txedit.zip TxEdit 2000 v5.5 - Text Editor for Win32 787905 2006-09-12 12:42:41
87. txpdf101.zip TXT2PDF v10.1 - PERL5 based text to PDF format converter 2057359 2010-01-21 12:54:45
88. txpen821.exe TextPad v8.21.1 - Text editor for Windows (32-bit) 7049976 2025-03-09 16:12:00
89. txpex821.exe TextPad v8.21.1 - Text editor for Windows (64-bit) 7764248 2025-03-09 16:12:17
90. txsrch28.zip Super Text Search v2.84 - Text string searcher 1708724 2006-01-16 09:31:57
91. txt2com.zip Self viewing text files creator 1771 1999-02-23 12:07:36
92. txt2comc.zip TXT file 2 self displaying COM file compiler 6920 2003-01-02 10:41:03
93. txt2html.zip TXT2HTML v1.2 - ASCII 2 HTML Converter for OS/2 from Russia 42632 1998-02-16 10:19:56
94. txt500.zip TurboTXT Text File Compiler v5.00 (TXT2EXE conv.) 58036 1995-08-07 11:46:54
95. txtab911.zip TXTABLE v9.11 - Text tables generator 88698 1999-11-29 13:28:08
96. txtls1v0.zip TEXTools v1.0 - Collection of DOS text filters 108991 1997-07-17 09:36:42
97. txtmorph.zip TextMorph v2.1 - ASCII text formatter 2308760 2004-06-22 08:22:58
98. txtprint.zip TxtPrint v1.1 - Text files printing util for Windows 78505 2005-02-23 08:50:54
99. txtpro.zip TxtPro v3.51- Text/code/HTML Editor for Win32 2922162 2003-11-24 13:29:25
100. txtrz192.exe Texturizer v1.92 - Text editor for Win32 3676819 2004-05-14 13:52:15
101. txtutl30.zip Collection of Text Utilities v3.0 39609 1999-03-16 13:01:53
102. txtv25.zip TextViewer v2.5 - Fast Text Editor for Win32 800315 2002-05-20 10:50:59
103. txtview4.zip TextView v4.0 - Text viewer for Win95/98/NT 29004 1999-07-09 11:52:16
104. txt_coll.zip TXTcollector v1.0.9 for Win9x-XP - Tool to grab all .txt files from the directory to single text file 762075 2004-10-12 13:02:46
105. tx_colr2.zip Change fore/background color in text screen 20351 1998-10-16 10:54:34
106. typespec.zip Type Spec v1.0 - Font catalog for Win95-XP 13442 2003-06-18 11:21:06
107. typet201.zip Type-It - Converts printer into typewriter 42473 1995-12-19 09:20:40
108. typo40e.zip Typograf v4.8f for Win95/98/NT - Font Manager for TT, PS Type 1 and Printer Fonts 945816 2005-01-21 15:31:43
109. typotor.arj TYPOTOR - Typographic Editor for DOS 62054 1997-11-24 10:26:01

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