This is a homepage of Slovak Antivirus Center, non-commercial project of AVIR and ESET companies. You can find here the latest shareware
and freeware programs, which come from the collection of SAC FTP server maintained by Peter Hubinsky. Any comments please send to his address

Vitajte na domovskej stránke Slovenského antivírusového centra, nekomerčného projektu firiem AVIR a ESET. Na tejto stránke môžete získať najnovšie verzie shareware a freeware programov z kolekcie SAC FTP servera (, ktorého správcom je Peter Hubinský. Otázky a námety ohľadom obsahu SAC FTP servera prosím adresujte na adresu

Firma AVIR zabezpečuje registráciu shareware programov pre privátne osoby aj firmy a organizácie. Otázky a námety týkajúce sa shareware programov a ich registrácie zasielajte prosím na adresu

Priestor pre FTP mirror poskytla a tieto stránky vám prináša firma WEBY GROUP s.r.o..

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Directory name Directory description Files New files
AVIR Antivirus stuff - Scanners, cleaners, integrity checkers 912 9
AVMUSEUM Collection of out-of-date AV utils 109 0
COMM Communication software 1652 24
EDUCULT Education, hobby and culture related programs and texts 1858 1
GRAPH Graphics software 1627 20
HANDHELD Software for handheld devices 1 0
PACK Archivers, exe-compressors, archiver shells and other related utils 1603 5
SAC SAC stuff - Antiviruses, articles, SAC CD listings 25 0
SECURITY Security related utils - Passwording, encryption, anti-hacking etc. 760 4
SK_MADE Freeware and shareware programs created by Slovak authors 561 1
SOUND Sound card related utils - Module players, trackers, convertors etc. 1222 11
TEXT Various texts on viruses, PC HW&SW, Internet etc. 977 0
UTILDIAG Diagnostic utils, benchmarks, resource monitors 447 14
UTILDISK Floppy disk copy and format utils, caches, RAM disks, backup programs 826 4
UTILFILE File managers, file processing utils, file deduplicators and uninstallers 1967 5
UTILMISC Various system utils, personal information managers, calculators 1769 15
UTILPROG Debuggers, assemblers, hex editors, installing software etc. 810 5
UTILTASK Task automators and schedulers, boot managers, BAT related utils 396 0
UTILTEXT Text, ASCII, HTML, DBF editors and viewers, print utils, font managers 1554 12